Full Service Model

  • For campaigns with unique targeting needs.
  • Includes planning sessions with your team and the client.
  • Each campaign receives individual attention, from planning to execution.
  • We take care of all your needs from planning, booking, uploading creative, buying space, optimizing, reporting, understanding, communicating and renewing or adding your next campaign.
  • We provide sales collateral for sales reps.
  • Creative can be supplied by clients, based on IAB specs., or we can build it for $65/ad size.

Campaigns start at $1,000 plus creative and setup fees for a 1-2 week flight.  Minimum of 3-6 months recommended, for branding and awareness, to allow the system to accumulate data and optimize performance as it learns.  For call to action campaigns a minimum of 3-6 weeks is recommended, depending on promotion.

Just like Facebook and Google, we require your account to be funded before the campaign goes live, to avoid ad delivery interruptions.

Insertion Order Model

  • For templated programs that share the same targeting parameters.
  • Ideal for packages with similar audiences or geographies.
  • We build custom targeting packages for specific verticals (ex. Real Estate Agents, Car Dealerships, Home Builders, Colleges/Univerities and many more).
  • Includes strategy session to discuss goals and targeting.
  • We provide sales collateral for sales reps.
  • Creative can be supplied by clients, based on IAB specs., or we can build it for $65/ad size.
  • Orders are booked as we receive insertion orders and billed to agency/publisher at agreed rates.

Campaigns start at $500 per week plus creative and setup fees with a minimum 2-4 week commitment.

Just like Facebook and Google, we require your account to be funded before the campaign goes live, to avoid ad delivery interruptions.