Sales Training

Do you have sales people who struggle with selling online advertising solutions successfully?  Our research shows that a lack of knowledge, comfort and confidence are the leading causes of poor sales results.  If you want your team to engage in selling digital products, you need to provide them with the tools and information they need to be successful.

  • Smart Tap Solutions’ training puts sales reps at ease, by giving them the knowledge they need to present digital solutions confidently.
  • Let us overcome digital media fears, by equipping reps with the tools to be a digital superstar.
  • Training that isn’t about earning a plaque or “made-up certifications” to please their head office. 
  • Gain knowledge that will develop reps into valuable digital resources for their clients.
  • Our programs are designed for sales people, to help them generate revenue through quality online advertising solutions for their clients.
  • We focus on practical selling techniques, that reps can easily apply everyday, with all clients.

Full Day Training Rate – $2,999 plus tax and travel expenses.

Contact us today to set up an onsite training session to boost your team’s digital performance.


What you will learn:

  • Deciphering Digital Jargon – a breakdown of the confusing online language and acronyms.
  • Demystifying Digital – an explanation of the nuts and bolts that make up the online ecosystem and the technology used to deliver successful online solutions.
  • Selling Digital – a practical approach to selling online advertising using relatable examples.